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WHO Regional Office for Africa

Dakar Hub

Nairobi Hub

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The Health Emergency Information Management and Risk Assessment team is the WHO Emergencies Cluster’s data and information management unit. The team has a diverse set of expertise including organized across three main areas of Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR), Public Health Intelligence, and Data and Analytics.

The teams are situated across the region, with representations in Brazzaville, Dakar and Nairobi. Dakar will host a modern, state-of-the-art data center which will support the functions of the Berlin Hub.

WHO REgional Office For AFRICA (AFRO)

MON – FRIDAY (8am – 5pm GMT+1), Brazzaville, Congo

Program area management and team leads are stationed at the regional office from where there coordinate the functions of the program and facilitate engagement with other pillars of the Emergencies cluster.

West and Central Africa Hub

MON – FRIDAY (8am – 5pm GMT), Dakar, Senegal

The Dakar hub focusses on providing support to Member States in West and Central Africa.

Eastern and Southern Africa HUB

MON – FRIDAY (8am – 5pm GMT+3), Nairobi, Kenya

The Nairobi hub focusses on providing support to Member States in East and Southern Africa.